School Hymn:
"Wonderful Grace of Jesus"
Sing-along to Music
History & Lyrics of Hymn

A Word from the President, GAA-NA

Dear fellow North
America GRACE Alumni,
It is with sadness (yet
future hope in Christ) that we share the news of Mr. LIN, MONG-CIONG’s
homegoing to Glory on August 3, 2018.
Although we grieve at the temporary loss of this beloved Grace
administrator, yet we have hope that Mr. Lin, although “absent from the
body,” is now “present with the Lord [Jesus Christ]” (2 Corinthians
Please pray for God’s comfort on the LIN family.
Mr. Lin, Mong-Ciong of Seattle, Washington, USA born on February 22,
1917 in Gulangyu Xiamen, China, passed away at age 101 on August 3, 2018
in Issaquah, Washington, U.S.A.
Mr. Lin, Mong-Ciong is very committed and devoted his whole life in
influencing people’s lives across all age groups as a teacher, Vice
Principal of Grace Christian High School.
As a beloved educator of our generation, he is highly respected and
loved because of his proficient way of understanding the needs of
everyone around him. His smile and words always brings out the best of
the abilities of each one that cross his path. In church outreach, he is
fervent in growing the spiritual lives of those close round him. His
legacy will continue to live in many lives he touched!
Mr. Lin, Mong-Ciong is survived by his son, E-Song (Eleanor), daughters,
Swan En (Timothy), Sun Koo (Johnn); grandchildren, and
The Lin family have setup the following access for you to share your
tributes, photos, memories, and remembrance of Mr. Lin, Mong-Ciong.
Those with EMAIL account: please send or resend your messages to:
"...Blessed are the
dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: ... that they may rest from
their labours; and their works do follow them." (Revelation 14:13)
Esther Tan Wong

click Below
June 11, 2015
May 25, 2015
April 27, 2015
April 2, 2015
March 5, 2015
February 19, 2015
February 10, 2015 letter
January 23, 2015 letter
November 2014 letter |

A Sermon
on Christ's Resurrection,
by School Co-Founder,
Dr. Edwin Spahr
"Count Your Blessings"
"Yesterday, Today, Forever"
Chinese Sermon
"The Value of Time"
時 間 的 價 值
by School's Chaplain Emeritus
(Dr. Paul Lee Tan)
"Never Grow Old

Grace Christian College
Grace Christian Church
Chaplain Emeritus
GRACE Statement of Faith
School Founder: Mrs. Julia Lee Tan

"If only there was a large piece of land, where a Christian village
could be built, with a first-rate school, a Bible-centered church, with
beautiful music heard daily inside this village; and where the villagers
live under an atmosphere of culture and spirituality, beloved by both
God and man..."
This was the DREAM--some 65 years ago--of a slightly built young lady,
Mrs. Julia L. Tan. This lady happened to be a poor widow with five
small children in the Philippines.
Click HERE to read more (Part 1 of 2)
Click HERE to read (Part 2 of 2) |